Conversion Rate Optimization

Conversion Rate Optimization Is your website generating high levels of traffic but underperforming in sales? It could be simply down to the fact that your site is not properly optimised for conversion. If this is the case, just a few simple changes could help generate thousands more in revenue for your business each and every single day.

Our digital marketing team are experts in reviewing and analysing a website’s performance. Therefore we can provide you with detailed reports that outline small but critical changes that will drastically improve your website’s conversion rates and your business’s bottom line.

So, how do we do this?

Our advanced tracking and reporting software allows us to create a comprehensive understanding of the process your customers follow when interacting with your website. As a result we are able to look at your website and identify the things that are acting as a barrier to your customers carrying out a desired action – i.e. selling.

Potential barriers to a high conversion rate include:

Irrelevance – A proportion of visitors to your website will click through from a search engine, advert, referring website or campaign. Whichever, if their expectations are not met upon entering your site, you will experience a high bounce rate.

Our team understands the design tweaks needed to provide your customers with the best first impression possible.

Poor user experience – If your customers can’t find the information they want on your website, they will hit the back button. Therefore our team can recommend how to improve your website’s user experience from entry to checkout. Consequently, this will make it a lot easier for customers to buy from your website.

Poor trust signals – If customers don’t trust your website, they will not buy from you. So as well as displaying the correct security symbols, our team can advise you on the subtle use of language that evokes trust in customers when entering personal details.

Moreover, we can offer support for the creation of testimonials, case studies and other forms of content that create a better chance of retaining your customers for further visits.

Why should you choose Social Media Marketing UAE?

By using our expertise and cutting-edge resources, it’s our job to turn your website’s problems into positives. For this reason, we can create a conversion rate optimisation strategy for you which ensures that everything from the page layout to the checkout process is geared towards your success.

So contact us today and talk to one of our digital marketing consultants about how we can get started on your website.